OX Event


When the OX event starts, Uriel lets you decide whether you want to just watch the event or test your skills.

There is no level limit for entry.

You can enter with 1 character.

The players cannot see each other during the questions.

For each question, if the player who answered incorrectly is eliminated, all players in the game will receive 1 OX point.

The winner will receive 5 OX points.



Uriel location.


Uriel location.


Uriel location.

  • Ganesha bandage (1 OX Point)
  • Anubis ring (1 OX Point)
  • Poisoned Enchanted Mushroom (1 OX Point)
  • Poison Essence (1 OX Point)
  • Item Enchanter (2 OX Point)
  • Item Bonus Switcher (2 OX Point)
  • Cursed scroll (2 OX Point)
  • Special Enchanted Mushroom (2 OX Point)
  • Mount Enchater (3 OX Point)
  • Mount Bonus Switcher (3 OX Point)
  • Hero Point (3 OX Point)
  • Heart-stone (3 OX Point)
  • Sash enchanter (4 OX Point)
  • Sash re-enchanter (4 OX Point)
  • Heaven’s Teardrop (5 OX Point)
  • Thief’s Gloves [2h] (5 OX point)
  • Herbicidal Poison (5 OX point)
  • Soul Traning Booklet (5 OX point)
  • Chip x10 (5 OX point)
  • Heart-key (5 OX point)
  • Taoist Handbook (5 OX point)
  • Golden Fabric (7 OX point)
  • Time Thaler (8 OX point)
  • Scroll of Correction (10 OX point)
  • Experience Ring+ (10 OX point)
  • Thief’s Gloves [30m] (10 OX point)
  • Skull Coin (10 OX point)
  • Blood Essence (10 OX point)
  • Tower Time remover (10 OX point)
  • Potion of Wisdom (15 OX point)
  • Deck of Cards (15 OX point)
  • Card remover (20OX point)
  • Platinum Chest (35 OX point)