Petőfi Sándor can be found in every capital city, and he is asking for your help! On the way to the Pilvax coffee shop, monsters attacked him and took away his 12 points.
Help Petőfi recover the pieces of the 12 points from the monsters so that you can liberate the homeland.
How can you get the pieces of 12 points ?
During the Revolution Event, all monsters can roll 12-point pieces. These items are numbered according to their position in the picture.
You have to collect all 20 pieces to display the complete picture.
The pieces are automatically redeemed when you have collected them all.
Only monsters with a maximum of 30 levels lower can throw puzzle pieces!
It’s not guaranteed that they’ll throw a piece that you’re missing, so it’s worth swapping with other players so that you all get the full picture sooner.

During the event, a button labeled 12 POINTS (can be moved) is available in the upper left corner of your screen. By clicking on this, you can bring up the progress window, where you can always see the current status of your 12 points.
This window updates automatically and you can see the status of the entire image based on the pieces in your inventory. The faintly visible fields with a number in the middle mean that the given pieces are still missing, while the fully visible fields refer to the pieces you have.
If you have collected all the pieces and taken the 12 points to Petőfi, he will reward you with a Revolutionary Supply.
The revolutionary supply may include:
- National costume (m)
- National costume (w)
- Gold bar (200m)
- Gold bar (500m)
- Owl King’s Invitation (x5)
- Ring of Anubis (x5)
- Green Potion (large) (x100)
- Average Magic Mushroom (x3)
- Magical Enchanted Mushroom (x2)
- Purple Potion (large) (x100)